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    ICB Series Standard Stamped Pump

    Features And Applications

    The pump is widely used in industries such as: petrochemical, grease, food, beverage, medicine and hygiene, power, textile, printing & dyeing, water treatment, environment protection, water supply of buildings and boiler, etc. It is suitable for conveying media with the temperature of less than180'C.

    Technical Data

    1 .Designed pressure: 1 .OMpa
    2.Working temperature:-40t;~180'C;
    3.Materials of mechanic seal
    Static ring: (ceramic /carborundum/tungsten carbide)
    Movable ring (graphite /carborundum / tungsten carbide)
    Sealing ring: ( butadieneacrylonitrile rubb-er/ethylene propylene terpolymer/fluoroelastomer /polytetrafluoroethylene)

    Description Of Model

    Description Of Model
    Description Of Model

    Table of Technical data

    Model impellerform Capacitym3/h Headm Apeedrpm %Efficiency (kw)motorPower NPSHr(m)
    lCB ICB(D)
    ICB20-12-125 O 1.6 20 2900 47 0.37 3.5
    ICB20-12-160 O 1.6 30 41 0.37 3.8
    A 1.2 24 40 0.55
    ICB32-25-125 O 3.2 20 45 0.55 3.5
    ICB32-25-160 O 32 30 40 0.9 3.8
    A 2.5 24 39 0.75
    ICB50-25-125 O 6.3 20 61 1.5 1.5 2
    A 5 15 60 1.1 1.1
    lCB50-25-160 O 6.3 32 57 2.2 3 2
    A 5 25 56 1.5 2.2
    ICB50-25-200 O 6.3 50 49 4 5.5 2
    A 5 40 48 3 4
    ICB50-32-125 O 12.5 20 63 1.5 2.2 2
    A 10 15 62 1.1 1.5
    ICB50-32-160 O 12.5 32 58 2.2 3 2
    A 10 25 57 1.5 2.2
    ICB50-32-200 O 12.5 50 50 4 5.5 2
    A 10 40 49 3 4
    ICB65-50-125 O 25 20 72 22 3 2
    A 20 15 71 1.5 2.2
    ICB65-50-160 O 25 32 70 4 5.5 2
    A 20 25 69 3 4
    ICB65-40-200 O 25 50 64 7.5 7.5 2
    A 20 40 63 5.5 7.5
    lCB80-65-125 O 50 20 78 4 5.5 2
    A 40 15 77 3 4
    ICB80-65-160 O 50 32 75 7.5 7.5 2
    A 40 25 74 5.5 7.5
    ICB80-50-200 O 50 50 73 11 15 2
    A 40 40 72 9 11
    ICB100-80-125 O 100 20 76 9 11 2
    A 80 15 75 7.5 7.5
    Model impellerform Capacitym3/h Headm Apeedrpm %Efficiency (kw)motorPower NPSHr(m)
    ICB ICB(D)
    ICB20-12-125 O 3.2 5 53 0.37 0.37
    A 2.5 4 51 0.37 0.37 1.7
    ICB50-25-160 O 3.2 8 47 0.55 0.55
    A 2.5 62 43 0.37 0.37 1.7
    ICB50-25-200 O 3.2 12.5 41 0.75 0.75
    A 2.5 10 39 0.55 0.55 1.7
    ICB50-32-125 O 6.3 5 55 0.55 0.55
    A 5 4 53 0.37 0.37 1.7
    ICB50-32-160 O 6.3 8 49 0.55 0.55
    A 5 62 45 0.55 0.55 1.7
    ICB50-32-200 O 6.3 12.5 43 0.75 0.75
    A 5 10 41 0.55 0.55 1.7
    ICB65-50-125 O 12.5 5 64 0.55 0.55
    A 10 4 58 0.55 0.55 1.7
    ICB65-50-160 O 12.5 8 62 0.75 0.75
    A 10 6.2 60 0.55 0.55 1.7
    ICB65-40-200 O 12.5 12.5 55 1.1 1.1
    A 10 10 54 0.75 0.75 1.7
    ICB80-65-125 O 25 5 71 0.75 0.75
    A 20 4 67 0.55 0.55 2
    ICB80-65-160 O 25 8 70 1.5 1.5
    A 20 6.2 64 1.1 1.1 2
    ICB80-50-200 0 25 12.5 69 2.2 2.2
    A 20 10 62 1.5 1.5 2
    ICB100-80-125 O 50 5 71 1.5 2.2
    A 40 4 68 1.1 1.5 2

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    Catalog:Multi-stage Pumps

    Above:Horizontal Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump